Provocations hosts an ongoing series of calls for multi-modal provocations on topics related to the sensing and representation of bodies and movement across disciplines.

In 2018 Teoma Naccarato and John MacCallum initiated this project with the question: “What escapes computation in interactive performance?“. Provocations were invited and shared online, and in the context of the Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO) in Genoa, Italy, via a Roundtable of the same title (extended abstract available here).

The following year MacCallum and Naccarato were joined by Jessica Rajko in posing the question: “What aspects of your practice/research are invisible to your collaborators?“. In addition to the online provocations, the trio facilitated a Roundtable at MOCO 2019 on the topic of: “Generative Tension in Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration“.

This project is ongoing, and additional Calls for Provocations are forthcoming.